Monday, 25 February 2013

Disadvantages of Cloud Shared Hosting

With data storage, technology has advanced to an unheard of degree. But even as advancements are made, a little hidden dangers may still lurk ahead. None more so than within the cloud itself. With cloud computing, storage and files may be seen by more than one individual in different locations. While the technology has been a wunderkind for the business world, it could end up being of great danger to everyone. If you are considering getting on the cloud, then the first thing you need to do is learn about the risks as well as the rewards. discover out what can go wrong, and you are more likely to align yourself with a provider, who makes sure you are protected at all times. Here's what you need to know Benefits and Advantages of Shared Hosting

Everyone can see

Without a secure connection, the advantage of the cloud becomes the drawback. Anyone can see what you have out there, and anyone can access the information. If you have particularly sensitive information that holds a great value to you personally or to your business, then you need to be very careful about whose cloud you choose to be on. Sites like Amazon and iTunes have managed to make things safe for users for the time being, but even big companies are not impervious to the hackers and scammers out there eyeing to access your details. Barnes and Noble and Sony have both had bad experiences with cloud computing, so it is necessary to always be vigilant.

Technical difficulties

The cloud is most useful to persons, who are in different locations, from a business perspective at least. If you grow to depend on the cloud instead of tangible file programs and hardware, then it may become difficult to communicate with all parties should one of you experience technical difficulties. The security of your business communications could be at risk if you trust all to it. Better to have a contingency plan in place to go along with your cloud usage.

You never control the information

Sure, the files you have out on the cloud are yours, but for how long? When you are on a cloud that is hosted by whoever else, then you truly never have complete autonomy over your information. You are essentially giving big brother more ways to control you.

With that said, there are services out there that can offer guarantees and high end user service to make sure that your user experience is dependable, affordable, and, above all Free Reprint Articles, safe. Don’t chase after a bargain in this area. Buy in with whoever that you can trust.

How to Get Cheap Web Hosting

To advance on the internet with more domains and more hosting accounts has been a stumbling block for many because of the expense; hosting being the bigger expenses. But if you plan to operate  with more sites in the future then perhaps this article will help you bring your plans forward. The sooner you own more of the internet the sooner your profits will increase.

As you progress your own understanding of the internet you'll come across the need to have more than one website for each project or niche. You may find a need to have explore that niche further and have a different website for each sub-niche. Rather than sit back and wait for just one website to do the business, you'll need perhaps six other websites that each try and dominate their sub niche to get traffic. If necessary they can send the traffic to the main website. Understanding this principle will increase you traffic ten-fold.

Many people and I have been guilty of the same thought, set up a different web hosting accounts for each new domain name they purchase. The only real advantage of this is if you plan on having say 60 sites and want to spread them over 6 hosting accounts. Otherwise you'll save huge amounts of your online budget by hosting new domains within your own current hosting account.

Some of the shared hosting providers can confuse you to believe that each new domain needs a new hosting account. This is not true... and as such you should explore the internet further if I cannot explain the simplicity within this article.

Many so called bigger 'providers' have realized that to compete in the bigger market place they need to offer good deals. Such deals will include up to hosting 10 domains on one account, to hosting 25 domains on one account; and the more sophisticated businesses are now offering unlimited domains on one account.

It would seem prudent then to pool your resources and instead of having more than one account, use one provider and pay just the one fee. Furthermore you will find that these providers will give you one free domain for just signing up with them.

It should be pointed out that, like every business, your virtual company will evolve on the web, so you need to be prepared for evolution.  You may, for example, upgrade you web site to include a variety of interactive properties or implement a sophisticated shopping card to drive your ecommerce store, all these amendments and upgrades will steal a little more web space each time.  Moreover, your business will be developing and growing so you will want to reflect this within your virtual company.

I worked with one hosting provider from my early days in 2001 and would have suggested them to everyone as I thought they were excellent. Good customer service, pretty much reliable and my websites were seen on the internet. No qualms, no problems and no hesitations.

Everything was hunky dory and I accepted the $80 per month for all my sites. Then when I read more I found that you can now find hosting providers that allow multiple websites in one account. Today most multiple providers suggest 10 websites for one monthly fee. Yet even better news is that because of competition some hosting providers allow unlimited websites. Initially their costing was that little bit higher, but even that has come down to compete with the mainstream providers.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Benefits and Advantages of Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is a type of web hosting where a server is shared among many sites. If you have a shared hosting account it means that your site is hosted on a single sever with hundreds of other websites. All the resources like bandwidth, RAM, disc space and server rent are distributed equally among all the sites. Although you use all the resources even then you have to pay less.

Most of the sites on a shared server don't use the resources completely so it works wonder in low prices. This is the best economical hosting option for small businesses, personal websites and companies who want to run multiple websites as they don't need much bandwidth or other resources because of low traffic to their websites.


Cost-efficiency - Cost efficiency is naturally added with shared hosting because of sharing the rent of the server amongst websites hosted. One more reason of being cheaper is its sharing quality because of which hosting provider is able to provide the cheap packages along with several free add-ons features.

No need of technical knowledge - Website owners don't need any technical knowledge because all the services and resources are maintained by shared hosting provider.

Easy to use - Shared hosting has very easy setup. Web hosting providers do most of the work for you. Shared hosting companies provide many comprehensive tools like; control panel, website builders, one click installation, etc. These tools allow you to make the shared hosting environment much easier to work through.

Best option for starters - If you are going to start your online business through a website, then shared hosting will be the best option. You will get good experience with fewer budgets and once you have realized which plan and package suits you best you can switch easily.

An informative forum on web hosting sites in India. Web Hosting Forum India has expert professionals sitting on the web for effective discussions on various topics like web hosting press releases, hosting updates, cloud hosting and businesses etc.

All the advantages and disadvantages depend on the hosting provider. A good host won't ever take risk of overselling and provide with the services at his level best.

Ways To Host Your Site

There are 8 basic types of the web hosting available in the market today. Hosting even by IT standards, is not considered exciting, if it was a country it would be Belgium. If it was another business it would be fleet car leasing, where shared hosting would be company car pooling. Dedicated, leasing of cars to a sales force on a rolling annual rental contract or lease agreement. Like the gold rush in the Sierra Nevada in 49, nobody pays much attention to the stores the picks and shovels, but this is a mistake it can be vital to your sites success. It is crucial to security and in vital if maintaining site integrity, to have a hosting partner who will grow with you and react quickly and decisively to resolve problems when they arise. A good host can even be a source of revenue for your site.

Dedicated Server – rental as well as the exclusive use of an internet connection, server and software
Shared hosting – Multiple websites are being hosted on just one remote hard drive and server
Reseller hosting –  reselling of hosting accounts for another web host under a brand of your own. You determine the pricing structure and other aspects of the offer.
Virtual Private Server - You are not renting a real server, but you are rather splitting hardware with the other virtual servers running on the same machine. Many self contained virtual server can exist on one rented remote server.
Free hosting – Service usually offered by ISP’s or compensated with advertisements on your website. Free hosting usually offers little or no support, bandwidth, space, or the free scripts or site building features you enjoy with shared and dedicated hosting.
Managed Hosting - Expanded dedicated server hosting. In dedicated servers, the client has to take care of his or her own server but in managed hosting, the provider would have the responsibility of doing that Unmanaged Hosting - Total remote control administration of your web server. The server's technical aspects are controlled by the designated administrator which you would select to manage and handle your website information.
Colocation – Requires that you to bring your server to the data center of your host.
Clustered hosting - Used by the biggest and most important websites, you buy manage and physically house the servers yourself. Clustered means that the same content would be served on a number of servers enabling better redundancy and resource. Works well for Google.

As you can see there are many types of hosting account. Whether you are planning business web hosting or you intend to run a school site or maybe you are simply planning on getting a small hobby site up and running, you have a decision to make, what shared hosting plans do you chose.

Monday, 4 February 2013

What is Shared Hosting?

When a single server serves pages for many websites, each with its own domain name, then this type of hosting is called shared hosting.

What happens is that some small businesses do not want to use their resources to host their website on a dedicated server, because it requires a system administrator and companies want to save your time and money.

As companies want to minimize the cost to the shared hosting provider of services is primarily responsible for managing servers, installing server software, installation of antivirus and security updates, technical support services related to above. As many companies use the Linux operating system, because of its reliability, many companies mainly offer basted Linux servers. Some landlords offer Microsoft Windows-based servers and solutions. Both operating systems have similar functions, but they differ on issues related to the operating system.

How it works:

Web hosting can be done by two methods, name based hosting and IP-based hosting. The name of the base housing uses a single IP address that is used by different host names / websites. When a browser requests a web page from a server using HTTP/1.1 then also includes a host name that is used to find the website that can be delivered to the user.

IP based hosting has the advantage that each guest has its own IP address. This helps the sites to use their own SSL certificate, which helps to increase security. In contrast to the method name in base housing, where there is only one IP address for all host names / websites. Many people / companies prefer IP based hosting method for the above reason. Many servers are changing their approach to IP-based web hosting on accommodation, as it offers a lot more security than the method name based hosting. But there is one important thing to remember about shared hosting, no matter what method is used, is that they are always a little unsure.

Advantages and disadvantages: -

Companies do not have control over the server and the server is shared by many, so you can not ask additional privileges. There is an added risk of insecurity as the shared server may not always be safe. Moreover, you can save money and time by using shared hosting. System administrator is not required, as it is a shared hosting.

Based host names are not compatible with older browsers that do not send the host name as part of requests. For example, older HTTP/1.0 browsers that were not updated can not send the host name as part of their requests. Nor are compatible with HTTPS websites, because all name-based hosts using the same IP must share the same digital certificate. A TLS extension provides a way for the client to provide the host name as part of the "handshake. If the Domain Name System or DNS is not working properly, then the name based hosted website is difficult to use and an IP address in the address bar does not work as many websites are sharing the same IP.

For more information on web hosting, please visit

Shared Hosting - The Cheap Web Hosting Solution

Shared web hosting is probably the most well known and used among casual Internet users and entrepreneurs. If you have a website at this time, and you do not know what is shared hosting, chances are you're in it.

This article aims to shed some light on what is shared hosting, its limitations, and so you can make a decision on whether it is suitable for your purposes. In U.S. alone, there are literally thousands of web servers that provide shared hosting site. Some of these machines have their own data center, other servers lease larger data centers. Then there are re-sellers who have rented shared server space or dedicated servers hosting larger.

Let's take a look at the concept of shared web hosting plans.

With shared hosting, many individual websites of different clients all reside on the same physical server. That means all these websites share the same resources on that server.

As a result, none of these sites will be able to use 100% of server resources. Rather, it will be divided among all websites hosted on the appropriate server.

This is to keep costs down and allow Internet hosts to offer plans in the price range of shared hosting is known. Since all shared hosting accounts on a server using the same hardware, maintenance and administration costs are low.

But not many hosts offer unlimited bandwidth and disk space with shared hosting?

Yes, in fact some do. However, disk space and bandwidth are not the same RAM and CPU usage, which will have to be sealed to ensure the stability of the server. This means that your website is not likely to be loaded as fast or be as responsive as on a dedicated server. This is especially true for sites that rely heavily on scripts and queries to the database.

Not all websites are created equal. Some static web pages using very few resources to welcome and serve, others need much. Good hosts will migrate your website from different servers to ensure you are getting the performance you need. Also, good hosts not completely fill a server, but rather cover a certain percentage.

However, even bandwidth (or disk space) is unlimited - there is a physical limit the network can handle, and most hosts suggest a dedicated server, once you reach that limit. If you get a lot of pictures and other multimedia files, you may want to consider accommodation separately in a storage service like Amazon S3.

Read Terms of Use its host completely. Shared hosting providers usually do not allow resource hungry applications like Forex programs or live streams to run on common machines.

Out of the box, common hosting solutions serve all domains with a shared IP address. You can see what other domains can be found on the same IP you have to find the domain and IP address corresponding However, if you need a dedicated IP address (eg, SSL), which is usually possible for a small monthly fee.

Another problem with shared hosting is security. Bad neighbors are theoretically able to hack into files belonging to another domain in the same host. Furthermore, not everyone updates their installations WordPress, Drupal, etc frequently, leaving room for exploits on that host.

You have to accept the fact and live with it, or move to a more expensive solution like dedicated servers. In any case, you must update all your web applications as soon as possible to minimize the risk of security holes. Do not host your site on a shared server, if you are handling highly sensitive data.

To sum things up, most people have websites on shared servers, and happily. It is definitely worth your time (and some trial and error) to find a good host to get the most out of your shared web hosting solution. Take security updates for their applications of choice serious, better still subscribe to your mailing list or RSS feed to be informed.

Backup often. Don't rely on your host to backup your files in the event you have been hacked. Don't forget your database(s).

Shared hosting providers

If you consider placing your own website, you need a web hosting provider. Web hosting providers are companies that provide space on their servers to meet your need. If you are looking for cheap web hosting type, consider shared web hosting.

Shared hosting sites multiple dwellings on a single server, so each registered site uses the same resources and IP address. Once the web hosts work to place their online site on the server, clients can begin to access it.

Before deciding that shared hosting provider to choose, it is best to ask for the list of shared hosting providers. You can search online for a complete list of possible shared hosting providers. As a customer, you need to find a supplier that can meet your business needs.

An effective web builder is one of the most wanted features in shared hosting providers. Most web hosting providers provides a site builder program known as the SiteStudio. This feature allows you to create sites least HTML, HTTP and FTP knowledge. Wherever you are, you can create sites using this feature.

A shared hosting provider should be e-commerce enabled. Because it is virtually placing your own website, shopping carts can be indispensable tools. The Secured Sockets Layer, PowWeb, Lunarpages and BestSharedHosting features are also essential for their ecommerce needs, especially if you accept credit card information of their customers.

Their shared hosting provider should employ an overwhelming marketing package. Most shared hosting providers tie with websites generating keywords so that your website can be conveniently found by the search engine.

It should also be popular. The greater the number of customers of a web hosting provider serves, the highest level of customer satisfaction to be obtained. The hosting awards he has earned, including traffic rank, the more popular it becomes.

In terms of reputation, the web hosting provider must achieve an acceptable level of credibility to continue in business.

Therefore, in accordance with the shared hosting provider that meets your standards. Having a compatible relationship with the web hosting provider you choose should make your online business friendly.