Shared hosting is a type of web hosting where a server is shared among many sites. If you have a shared hosting account it means that your site is hosted on a single sever with hundreds of other websites. All the resources like bandwidth, RAM, disc space and server rent are distributed equally among all the sites. Although you use all the resources even then you have to pay less.
Most of the sites on a shared server don't use the resources completely so it works wonder in low prices. This is the best economical hosting option for small businesses, personal websites and companies who want to run multiple websites as they don't need much bandwidth or other resources because of low traffic to their websites.
Cost-efficiency - Cost efficiency is naturally added with shared hosting because of sharing the rent of the server amongst websites hosted. One more reason of being cheaper is its sharing quality because of which hosting provider is able to provide the cheap packages along with several free add-ons features.
No need of technical knowledge - Website owners don't need any technical knowledge because all the services and resources are maintained by shared hosting provider.
Easy to use - Shared hosting has very easy setup. Web hosting providers do most of the work for you. Shared hosting companies provide many comprehensive tools like; control panel, website builders, one click installation, etc. These tools allow you to make the shared hosting environment much easier to work through.
Best option for starters - If you are going to start your online business through a website, then shared hosting will be the best option. You will get good experience with fewer budgets and once you have realized which plan and package suits you best you can switch easily.
An informative forum on web hosting sites in India. Web Hosting Forum India has expert professionals sitting on the web for effective discussions on various topics like web hosting press releases, hosting updates, cloud hosting and businesses etc.
All the advantages and disadvantages depend on the hosting provider. A good host won't ever take risk of overselling and provide with the services at his level best.
Most of the sites on a shared server don't use the resources completely so it works wonder in low prices. This is the best economical hosting option for small businesses, personal websites and companies who want to run multiple websites as they don't need much bandwidth or other resources because of low traffic to their websites.
Cost-efficiency - Cost efficiency is naturally added with shared hosting because of sharing the rent of the server amongst websites hosted. One more reason of being cheaper is its sharing quality because of which hosting provider is able to provide the cheap packages along with several free add-ons features.
No need of technical knowledge - Website owners don't need any technical knowledge because all the services and resources are maintained by shared hosting provider.
Easy to use - Shared hosting has very easy setup. Web hosting providers do most of the work for you. Shared hosting companies provide many comprehensive tools like; control panel, website builders, one click installation, etc. These tools allow you to make the shared hosting environment much easier to work through.
Best option for starters - If you are going to start your online business through a website, then shared hosting will be the best option. You will get good experience with fewer budgets and once you have realized which plan and package suits you best you can switch easily.
An informative forum on web hosting sites in India. Web Hosting Forum India has expert professionals sitting on the web for effective discussions on various topics like web hosting press releases, hosting updates, cloud hosting and businesses etc.
All the advantages and disadvantages depend on the hosting provider. A good host won't ever take risk of overselling and provide with the services at his level best.
Thanks for sharing such informative post on web hosting, keep updating.
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